Welcome to the Yap Corner !!!
Hey, howdy how are ya!!! What better way for y'all to get to know me a little better than letting me yap on the keyboard when I'm not at events!! No promise on how much I'll upload new posts, how long they'll be, or how much you'll love 'em but I can't wait for my heart for this little biz of mine to be out there even more than it already is!!!
Let's just start with some fun facts about me, nice and easy for the first post :)
1. I'm 22 years old!! This shocks a lot of people, so I'm a young one in the world of entrepreneurship but I think that makes it SOO FUN
2. (kinda piggybacking off the last one) I'm a college drop out !!! For me this is a bragging point because it wasn't that I failed out, or was a rebellious child (I was actually very much a teachers pet when I was younger lol) but I learned that post-high school education was not for me & I already had so many amazing role models in my life that have really coached me through the craziness of owning a business
3. I'm a twin!! This one's a shocker for a lot of people too for some reason!! I have a twin brother named Caden, and, yes, I am older by two minutes. And, yes, I do often hold that over his head.
4. This should really be #1 on the list but I LOVE JESUS!! You may have some to that conclusion yourself if you've followed me for a while but He is the cornerstone of not only my life but my business! Nothing I have would be possible without the love of God and the blessings he has sprinkled over my life.
5. I'm very much a dog person, and have the cutest (but sometimes the naughiest) puppies I am a proud aunt to! My sister's Woodle (soft coated wheaten terrier/poodle mix), River, and my brother's beagle, Maple, are my fav little furry friends out there (honorable mention to my friend Vanessa's mini golden-doodle Frankie that she names after my business too)
6. I have a MASSIVE family !! My dad is 1 of 11 and my mom is 1 of 5 so I have over 100 family members (including aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins-in-law, and second cousins). It's one of my favorite things ever and it makes weddings extra fun !!
I would LOVE to know what y'all want to know about me or hear my thoughts on!! If you have questions or ideas for the yap corner, fill out the contact form on the site
That's all for now !! Love y'all, Cambri